Harry Potter Moment of the Week is a feature started by Leah over at Uncorked Thoughts - with creative credit going out to Ula at Blog of Erised. The idea is to get Harry Potter fans together and discuss our favorite things about the series; be it a favorite moment, character, magical item, spell, quote or object from the books, films or J.K Rowling herself.
This feature goes up on Thursdays, and is hosted at Lunar Rainbows Reviews. Any blogger can join in on the fun, all we ask is that you link back to us in your post in some way!
You can have lunch with 3 people involved with the movies, Who are they and why?
So hard! There are a ton of people that I would like to meet from the movies. Zane and I did get to go to Harry Potter World when they were doing a special promotion for the Blu-rays and met quite a few of the actors. We got to meet the actors that played Flitwick, Arthur Weasley, Kingsley Shacklebot, and Bill Weasley in the first panel. I'm using the character names in case people don't recognize the actor's names. Flitwick did his 'swish and flick' for everyone.
The second panel had the actors/actresses that played Fred and George Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, Cho Chang, and Lavender Brown. This one was a long one and they each said their favorite lines from the films and told us who they would be if they could've played another actor. Most of them said villains.
Luna and Fred/George are my favorite characters and I probably would've said them before I did get to spend an hour with them.
- JK Rowling - 100%. It said 'involved' with the movies so I get off on a technicality because she consulted with the writers and directors. This lady is a genius. Based on her writing, how incredibly quotable all her characters are and interviews I've read with her, I think it would be so enlightening to spend a little time with her.
- Hermione - I'm going to have to include my girl Emma Watson. Who wouldn't want to have lunch with her? There are so many reasons I want to but I'll go with because SHE'S AWESOME.
- McGonagal - Also I need a little Maggie Smith time in my life.
I feel like with these three, I would get a wide view of life on set. Maggie would have the adult's view, Emma the kid's view, and JK Rowling would have the creative process view. When do I get to have this lunch date?