Thursday, September 29, 2016

Harry Potter Moment of the Week [115]

This is a meme hosted by Uncorked Thoughts and Lunar Rainbows.The idea is to share a favorite moment, magical item, character, spell, quote, object from the books, films or J.K.Rowling herself! Click the links to the blogs to see how to join up &  upcoming topics.

If you could change one thing from book 4, what would it be?

That's such a tough question. The problem is, that I enjoyed quite a lot with Goblet of Fire and it was actually the 4th movie that fell flat for me in that aspect. It has more things that I would alter to make more similar to the book.

There were so many new things with the Quidditch World Cup, new house elf, new wizarding schools and modes of transportation. It was such a neat book for all the new experiences that it gave us. 

Now that I come to think about it though, and the Triwizard Cup, I would change Ron's reaction to Harry's name coming out of the cup. I just wish Ron would've stuck by Harry's side and been a tad more loyal in that aspect.

What would you change?