Thursday, July 9, 2015

Harry Potter Moment of the Week [71]

This is a meme hosted by Uncorked Thoughts and Lunar Rainbows.The idea is to share a favorite moment, magical item, character, spell, quote, object from the books, films or J.K.Rowling herself! Click the links to the blogs to see how to join up &  upcoming topics.

Announcing Harry Potter Month in July!! Learn more.
I'll be posting having a few Potter related posts throughout the month in addition to my usual Harry Potter Moment of the Week posts.

Favorite Lupin Moment:

This one is easy for me as I just mentioned it on Micheline's Birthday Buddy Spotlight for Lupin.

My absolute favorite Lupin moment is when he taught Harry how to perform the Patronus charm to protect himself against dementors. Those dark creatures with their soul-stealing mouths, and chronic depression causing auras incredibly freak me out. I would definitely want to be able to defend myself against them, especially with such a traumatic past as Harry. Since they bring your worst moments to the surface, he was affected by them particularly hard as someone who had been through really trying times.

What is especially telling to me in this moment is the fact that Lupin takes on the mentor role here with Harry and teaches him something that he knows students his age can't do. He did warn Harry not to feel bad if he didn't learn it, but he also went along with it and eventually taught him well enough to become the only wizard his age able to produce a Patronus.

What is your favorite Lupin moment?