Thursday, July 30, 2015

Harry Potter Moment of the Week [74]

This is a meme hosted by Uncorked Thoughts and Lunar Rainbows.The idea is to share a favorite moment, magical item, character, spell, quote, object from the books, films or J.K.Rowling herself! Click the links to the blogs to see how to join up &  upcoming topics.

Announcing Harry Potter Month in July!! Learn more.
I'll be posting having a few Potter related posts throughout the month in addition to my usual Harry Potter Moment of the Week posts.

Which books would you recommend to Draco?

From the Potterverse, I'm going to go with:

  • Handbook of Hippogriff Psychology
  • Cheering Charms
Maybe these are obvious, but Malfoy clearly didn't hear Hagrid say that hippogriffs hate to be insulted so I think he could do with learning a little more about how they operate. Though, he probably would've done something to disrupt Hagrid's class anyway so I'm not sure it would have done any good. I also didn't see him very happy throughout the series, so it seems like he could use a good dose of cheering charms.

I couldn't think of any titles from our world so I'm going to make up some that he should definitely read:

  • Muggles Matter: How to End the Pureblood Mania
  • Overcoming Your Pompous Big-Headed Nature
  • Ferrets and Their Eating Habits
  • Walk Your Own Path: A Guide to Separating Yourself from your Family's Beliefs
  • Tips and Tricks to Help You Catch that Snitch

What books would you recommend to Draco?

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Moody vs. Fake Moody

Faith of GeekyZooGirl and Micheline of Lunar Rainbow Reviews are hosting the Harry Potter Month in July!! Of course, Harry's birthday is in July so it's a celebration! I am competing for my House Cup as well for Hufflepuff. As most of you know, I adore Harry Potter so this month will be full of even more Potter goodness at JC's Book Haven.

“Constant Vigilance!”

When we meet Alaster “Mad-Eye” Moody, we meet a fake. He appears first to us in Goblet of Fire. He’s got this sinister and mysterious air about him especially with all the scars and the eye that can see through walls. It’s said that he is the greatest auror of modern time, putting away the majority of the Death Eaters that rest in Azkaban. He’s gotten the reputation of also being crazy due to his extreme paranoia about security and distrust of everything. However, Dumbledore trusts him greatly, which is why he is brought to Hogwarts to teach.

Fake Moody

We all learn at the end of Goblet of Fire, that Moody was in fact a fake. He was being impersonated by Barty Crouch, Jr. who abducted him before his start of teaching at Howarts and drank Polyjuice potion to appear as him through his time teaching that year.

What did we see of Moody while he was in fact Barty Crouch, Jr.?

Harry gets his first real taste of Fake Moody in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class in which Moody demonstrates to them the unforgiveable curses. A lot of the students were affected by watching them in action, particularly Harry and Neville since these two had been impacted largely by the curses. We see Crouch-Moody showing a soft side by pulling Neville aside and giving him a book about Herbology and explaining that he heard he was quite good at the subject. This is the second time we’ve seen a teacher positively treating Neville in a way to help him build a little more self-esteem. Obviously, he wanted Neville to help Harry with his problem of the 2nd task, but didn’t realize he wouldn’t ask for Neville’s help. Also during these lessons, Harry learned how to fight off the Imperius curse. This was invaluable for him.

We also get the perfect moment of Draco the amazing bouncing ferret. Draco is about to attack Harry from behind and Crouch-Moody turns him into a ferret, bouncing him around and scolding him for being a coward who attacks enemies when their backs are turned. I LOVE this moment. Then again, I always love it when Karma comes calling for Draco. This I believe was more of Crouch than Moody since he was disgusted by the Malfoys pretending to be loyal to Voldemort while ‘betraying’ him since his supposed death by denouncing any relation to him.

He also of course helps Harry through the tournament since he’s wanted him to make it to the final task as that’s his mission given to him by Voldemort. He helps by pointing him in the right direction before the first task. He asks him to concentrate on what he is good at, which of course is flying. We don’t find out until later, but he stages a discussion where Dobby can hear that Harry would need gillyweed for the 2nd task. Of course, the movie turns this into Neville providing him with the gillyweed which was Crouch-Moody’s first intention as he gave him the book about plants. 

Crouch-Moody is the one that suggests to Harry that he should consider becoming an auror. This stuck with him so long, that it's what he actually worked towards for his career after school along with Ron who wanted to become an auror as well.

Real Moody

After Moody is rescued at the end of Goblet of Fire, he returns to health and joins The Order of the Phoenix. We don’t really see a lot of him, though he is around. His name is mentioned at some major events, and he's definitely involved, but we don't see much of his personality once the real Moody is back.

He appears at Privet Dr. to collect Harry in Order of the Phoenix. What we see of him here is that he's even more paranoid than before he was captured, and now his eye sticks from time to time as a result of Crouch wearing it. 

He was around for various moments at Grimmauld Place for Order business. He mentions Dumbledore must feel like Ron is good at resisting spells which is why he became a prefect.

He helped fight off Death Eaters at the ministry on the night of Sirius' death at the Battle of the Department of Mysteries. He was injured in a fight with Antonin Dolohov. He then helped protect Hogwarts the night Dumbledore died in the Battle of the Astronomy Tower. He was there in Dumbledore and Harry's absences to fight off Death Eaters. 

Then of course we saw him the night he died, at The Battle of the Seven Potters. He was known to be tough, and being so capable is the reason he died. Voldemort thought Harry would be with the wizard with the most ability, which was Moody. He had a surly personality and was very good at his job.

I wonder if I would have such a strong love for Moody if it hadn't been for Crouch pretending to be him. After real Moody comes on the scene, he's a little more awkward, a lot less fun, and much more grouchy in general. Having met him first while trying to help Harry throughout the tournament, I feel like I became attached to this legend who frightened Death Eaters everywhere. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Character Bio: Amber Reynolds from Persuasion (The Ambrosial Acres Series #1) by Jannette Fuller


Agent Yagil is a seasoned Guardian Angel, but his newest assignment is going to take every bit of strength and commitment he has.

Seventeen year old Amber Reynolds is looking for freedom and independence from her rigid lifestyle. Going behind her parents’ back, she takes a part-time job at the renowned Inn located within Ambrosial Acres.

As Agent Yagil watches over Amber, he discovers that despite its mysterious beauty, Ambrosial Acres hides a dark and supernatural secret.

Between Amber’s new coworker crushes, her menacing stalker, a mysterious online stranger, and the evil Agents out to lead her down a path of self destruction, Agent Yagil faces the fight of his career. Life is all about choices.

Can he help Amber make the right ones, before it’s too late?

Character Bio

Name: Amber Reynolds

Age: 17

DOB: September 14th, 1997

School: Wildwood High

Vehicle: 1996 Jeep Cherokee

Job: part-time housekeeper at Ambrosial Inn. 

BFF: Tirzah Hopkins

Favorite Band: Flyleaf

Crushes: Josh and Levi

Author Jannette Fuller

Jannette Fuller is the author of Persuasion (Book One in the Ambrosial Acres Series).

She lives in the beautiful and majestic mountains of Boone, North Carolina with her husband and children. And even though she loves coming up with fantastical ideas for her stories, and bringing them to life, she fancies other things as well: exercising, going on nature walks, watching Netflix, recording on Singsnap, drinking coffee, and she enjoys foot massages too, but that only happens when her husband's in the mood to give her one.

Find the Author: Goodreads | Website | Buy Kindle Version | Buy Paperback Version

Monday, July 27, 2015

Review: The SHIVA Syndrome by Alan Joshua

Published: April 6th 2015 by Champagne Books
Genre: paranormal/thriller/mystery
Format: ebook
Source: provided for honest review

Goodreads Summary

Power from the past; danger in the future.

Science opens the door for humans to reach God-like powers of creation and destruction. 

A secret Russian mind research laboratory erupts, annihilating thousands and leaving a monstrous, one-mile deep crater in its wake. Beau Walker, a psychologist and reluctant empath, is coerced into joining a research project, code-named SHIVA, to investigate the catastrophe. An ordinary scientific investigation leads Walker and the research team into alternate realities. 

Walker struggles against political and military deceptions, deadly superhuman adversaries, and personal demons to unlock the riddle of the SHIVA syndrome, risking his life and the very existence of humankind. 

The SHIVA Syndrome offers a dizzying ride into extraordinary human abilities. Prepare to alter what you believed was reality.

Buy The SHIVA Syndrome by Alan Joshua today at Amazon

Walker sat next to Kampmann. "You don't know what you did, do you?"
Her face paled. "It was like a waking dream. Like... like something guided my hands." She looked at him, wild-eyed. "My god, Beau, I wasn't in control.
Something controlled me!"

The Good

So I really like the mix of characters in this one. You get to know a few different characters even though most of the book is from Beau Walker's point of view. The story was vastly different from any Sci-fi I've read previously, and the pace was fast enough to keep me interested but not too fast as to lose me in what was going on. I definitely had to think more during this one while opening myself to believe anything was possible.

The Bad

While the pacing was terrific, it did feel a bit long to me. Though I don't know what you would leave out to fix this small tidbit.

The Romance

Walker and Leigh Kampmann have an on-again-off-again relationship. The off due mostly to past experiences more so then their actual relationship.


If you are looking for something different that will give you plenty to think about, then you want to read The Shiva Syndrome. If you like interesting characters, experiencing the paranormal with plenty of suspense, then you want to read The Shiva Syndrome. If you just want a good read, then...well you should read The Shiva Syndrome.


"Most people live out ordinary lives by denying death. Others live more completely because they're aware of it. I choose the second group."

Unaware, he whispered, "In the beginning there was only chaos. Then out of the void appeared Night and Erebus, the unknowable place where death dwells.
All else was empty, silent, endless, darkness."

"I'm sure you believe you saw something," he replied, helping her to her feet. "You've been under tremendous stress.
"Don't patronize me!" she snapped. "I saw... Well, I don't know what it was, but it wasn't stress."

Buy The SHIVA Syndrome by Alan Joshua today at Amazon

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sunday Cover Scramble [128]

Let's have some fun! I am going to post covers on here every Sunday that are scrambled up graphically, making it hard to tell what cover it is. I would like your guesses on what cover you think I've posted. I won't answer you until I'm posting the next one to let you know if you are right, allowing others to guess as well. Some will be hard, and others may be easy. Let me know in the comments if you'd like some more hints and I'll offer some more if no one guesses it correctly.

I am pulling covers off the Most Popular Page on Goodreads.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Harry Potter Spells Tag

Soudha over at Of Stacks and Cups tagged those of us participating in Harry Potter Month with Harry Potter Spells Tag.

Swish and Flick!

Expecto Patronum - 
A childhood book connected to good memories

This book takes me back down memory-lane for sure. My sister taught me how to write in cursive using it. We played 'school' a lot and since she's 7 years older than me, she was always the teacher. One day she decided to teach me how to write in cursive. She wrote the sentences on the back cover, and I copied underneath. GASP! Writing in books now would give me a heart attack. I don't even fold corners.

Expelliarmus - 
A book that took you by surprise

If you read My Introduction to Harry Potter, then you know that I was forced to read a bunch of classics in high school, just as most of you were probably. I didn't have any love for them at the time. Once I was an adult, I saw the Keira Knightley version of the movie Pride and Prejudice and fell in love. I went to get the book soon afterwards, and it's one of my favorites.

Priori Incantatem - 
The last book you read

I haven't gotten the review posted yet, but I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS SERIES!!!

Alohamora -
A book that introduced you to a genre you hadn't considered before

The Hunger Games was my first foray into Dystopia. Before this read, I thought I was only into Fantasy. It was added to my list of favorite series, and is one that I reread and watch the movies. I haven't read a whole lot of Dystopia books, but the ones that I have read are fantastic.

Crucio - 
A book that was painful to read

Richelle Mead is a favorite author of mine. I enjoy The Vampire Academy Series and the spin-off The Bloodlines Series. I've also heard the Georgina Kincaid Series is good, but I haven't started that one yet. So I was expecting something really good. Especially with a title like Gameboard of the Gods. In my opinion though, this one was just lacking. I couldn't get into it at all. I did make it to the end and gave it 2.5 stars, but it was a rough ride.

Avada Kedavra -
A book that could kill (interpret that as you may)

The first one that came to mind is The Book of Amun-Ra or The Book of the Living from The Mummy. It's the one that is confused with The Book of the Dead in the film. The Book of Amun-Ra has spells and incantations that can take life away from mortals while The Book of the Dead gives life back. In my opinion, both cause death considering that The Book of the Dead brought back Imhotep.

As Evie says, "It's just a book. No harm ever came from reading a book."

Friday, July 24, 2015

Review: Through the Zombie Glass (The White Rabbit Chronicles #2) by Gena Showalter

Published: September 24, 2013 Harlequin Teen
Genre: YA, Paranormal Fantasy
Format: ebook
Source: Purchased
Goodreads Summary

Zombies stalk the night. Forget blood and brains. These monsters hunger for human souls. Sadly, they've got mine...
Alice Bell has lost so much. Family. Friends. A home. She thought she had nothing else to give. She was wrong.
After a new zombie attack, strange things begin to happen to her. Mirrors come to life, and the whispers of the dead assault her ears. But the worst? A terrible darkness blooms inside her, urging her to do very wicked things.
She's never needed her team of zombie slayers more, but ultra bad-boy Cole Holland, the leader and her boyfriend, suddenly withdraws from her...from everyone. Now, with her best friend Kat at her side, Ali must kill the zombies, uncover Cole's secret and learn to fight the darkness.
But the clock is ticking...and if she fails at a single task, they're all doomed.

“Fear of spiders is arachnophobia, and fear of tight spaces is claustrophobia, but fear of Ali Bell is just called logic.”

I absolutely loved Alice in Zombieland so I had to read this one. I actually read Through the Zombie Glass immediately after reading the first one and realized I somehow didn’t write a review up for it so before moving on to The Queen of Zombie Hearts, I gave this one a re-read.

White Light

Throughout the entire book, Ali is faced with complex problem after harrowing issue after heartbreak after doom and gloom. I loved every minute of it! There was so much happening, and it was all bad news for our heroine. Alice in Zombieland ended with her getting horribly injured, so she starts Through the Zombie Glass in a hospital bed with stitches. Things only grow worse for her from there. I really liked the direction the story went. It was definitely a unique spin.

A few new characters were introduced to stir up drama, but I enjoyed Gavin’s personality quite a bit. He’s just so unabashedly honest. Mackenzie and Trina became a couple of my favorite characters in this one and I couldn’t stand Mackenzie at all in the first book so I loved that character development. Kat, the Sass-Master, I continue to adore as well as Nana, Ali's adorable grandmother. I also enjoy that Emma keeps making appearances as a Witness.

There is a lot of action, a lot of inner struggle, and a lot of guessing what will happen. There were times that I looked down to see how far into the book I was because surely I was at the climax of the story, only to realize I still had quite a bit more to go.

Black Smudges

Cole. Oh Cole. He exacerbated me quite a bit throughout this story with his hot-and-cold, incredibly mixed messages, and really bad decision making.

An Ex Here, an Ex There

It’s the whole 2nd book, introduce-the-relationship-drama thing going on in Through the Zombie Glass. There are literally exes everywhere. Veronica is brought in from Georgia who happens to be Cole’s ex. Mackenzie is still around who is also Cole’s ex as well as a lot of break ups and make ups going on throughout. The romance in this one is all over the map.

Utter Madness

I’m still loving this series. Through the Zombie Glass was a wild and fun ride through hardship after hardship. I really felt for Ali, but she kept going and giving her best no matter what. The characters are fantastic, and their dialogue is fun to read. There is tons of action and interesting concepts introduced. Absolutely recommended.


I felt my hand curl into a fist. Felt my elbow draw back. Felt my arm dart forward, my knuckles crack into Cole's jaw. I couldn't stop myself. His head whipped to the side, and blood leaked from a cut in his lip. Behind me, gasps of shock abounded. 

“Enjoy him while it lasts," I called. "Apparently he has Girlfriend ADD."

“Those we love, we can grow to hate. And can be perfect one minute and in shambles the next.”

“You're making me rethink my stance against cold-blooded homicide.”  

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Harry Potter Moment of the Week [73]

This is a meme hosted by Uncorked Thoughts and Lunar Rainbows.The idea is to share a favorite moment, magical item, character, spell, quote, object from the books, films or J.K.Rowling herself! Click the links to the blogs to see how to join up &  upcoming topics.

Announcing Harry Potter Month in July!! Learn more.
I'll be posting having a few Potter related posts throughout the month in addition to my usual Harry Potter Moment of the Week posts.

Favorite James Potter Moment:

Often Lily Potter gets credit for sacrificing herself for her son. After all, that is the powerful love magic that kept Voldemort from being able to kill him. She was going to be spared by Voldemort due to Snape's begging to leave her alive.

"Your mother died to save you. If there is one thing Voldemort cannot understand, it is love. He didn't realize that love as powerful as your mother's for you leaves its own mark. Not a scar, no visible sign... to have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever."

James and Harry he intended to kill all along. However, James Potter also sacrificed himself for both of them, and in my opinion that shouldn't be forgotten.

"Lily, take Harry and go! It’s him! Go! Run! I’ll hold him off!"

Second place would go to James standing up to Snape when he calls Lily a "filthy Mudblood".

What's your choice?

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Who said it? Quotes from Harry Potter Game

Faith of GeekyZooGirl and Micheline of Lunar Rainbow Reviews are hosting the Harry Potter Month in July!! Of course, Harry's birthday is in July so it's a celebration! I am competing for my House Cup as well for Hufflepuff. As most of you know, I adore Harry Potter so this month will be full of even more Potter goodness at JC's Book Haven.

It's time for a little fun.

Let's play:


Rules are as follows:
These are quotes from the movies since I've been re-watching them.
There is a giveaway at the end for a $15 gift card. If you would like to guess who said each quote, please enter the answers in the rafflecopter so other's can't see the answers. You don't have to be correct to win, just guessing will provide entry.

Let's begin:

1) "After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things. Terrible, yes, but great."

2) "Oh dear, we are in trouble."

3) "But know this; the ones that love us never really leave us."

4) "Personally, I've never had much time for heroes."

5) "I'm very impressed. This suggests that what you fear most of fear itself. This is very wise."

6) "I've killed Harry Potter!"

7) "Well you should feel right at home then."

8) "Actually, he sort of screamed at her. It was a bit frightening."

9) "You may not like him, Minister, but you can't deny...Dumbledore's got style."

10) "Why is it when something happens, it is always you three?"

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sunday Cover Scramble [127]

Let's have some fun! I am going to post covers on here every Sunday that are scrambled up graphically, making it hard to tell what cover it is. I would like your guesses on what cover you think I've posted. I won't answer you until I'm posting the next one to let you know if you are right, allowing others to guess as well. Some will be hard, and others may be easy. Let me know in the comments if you'd like some more hints and I'll offer some more if no one guesses it correctly.

I am pulling covers off the Most Popular Page on Goodreads.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Luna Lovegood Spotlight

Faith of GeekyZooGirl and Micheline of Lunar Rainbow Reviews are hosting the Harry Potter Month in July!! Of course, Harry's birthday is in July so it's a celebration! I am competing for my House Cup as well for Hufflepuff. As most of you know, I adore Harry Potter so this month will be full of even more Potter goodness at JC's Book Haven.

THIS GIRL right here is my favorite character in the series. 

Harry meets Luna on the train the day he can’t ride with Ron and Hermione since they were made prefects. This is the first time that he doesn’t travel with them and instead finds himself with three others who will soon be very important to his group: Luna, Neville, and Ginny. At this point, he is a little embarrassed with who he is sharing a train car with.

She is a girl that often gets made fun of for her quirky behavior and odd beliefs. She was reading a magazine upside down the day Harry met her as well as a necklace made of butterbeer caps. Kids at the school appear to be hurtful towards her, calling her “Loony” and stealing things from her.
She not only keeps her positive outlook on everything, she OWNS it. She will never be anything other than 100% Luna Lovegood. She's also completely honest...sometimes even when people may not want to hear it. I just adore her. 

“I think I'll just go down and have some pudding and wait for it all to turn up - it always does in the end.” 

She is one of the first to let Harry know that she believes him that Voldemort has returned. Of course, at the time that wasn’t very encouraging because everyone thinks she’s crazy. However, she later helps Hermione with an arranged interview with Rita Skeeter to get Harry’s true story out to the wizarding world.

She eventually becomes a very large part of Dumbledore’s Army.  She helps stand guard outside of Umbridge’s class so that Harry can break in while he’s checking on Sirius. She insists that she is going with him to the Department of Mysteries to help get Sirius back and even comes up with the idea to ride thestrals. Harry thought he was going mad when he could see these dark horse creatures, but Luna let him know that she can see them too. It appears that those that have seen death are the only ones that can see thestrals so they are invisible to everyone else.

After helping at the battle at the Department of Mysteries and being one of the last of Dumbledore's Army to fall, she helps Harry further by giving him hope after Sirius' death when no one else could comfort him. She talks about the loss of her mother and that she knows she will see her again one day:

“Yes, it was rather horrible," said Luna conversationally. "I still feel very sad about it sometimes. But I've still got Dad. And anyway, it's not as though I'll never see Mum again, is it?"

"Er-isn't it?" said Harry uncertainly.

She shook her head in disbelief. "Oh, come on. You heard them, just behind the veil, didn't you?"

"You mean..."

"In that room with the archway. They were just lurking out of sight, that's all. You heard them.” 

The next year finds Harry again in the train with Luna and Neville. Romilda Vane stops by and lets Harry know that he can join them, and he turns her down telling her that he thinks Luna and Neville are cool and are his friends.

He later invites Luna to Slughorn's party when he realized he couldn't go with the person he most wanted to, Ginny. During the party, Luna makes Harry laugh so hard that mead comes out of his nose after Snape dissed his idea of becoming an auror.

“I don't think you should be an Auror, Harry," said Luna unexpectedly. Everybody looked at her. "The Aurors are part of the Rotfang Conspiracy, I thought everyone knew that. They're working to bring down the Ministry of Magic from within using a mixture of dark magic and gum disease.” 

She also has the hilarious time in the book of commentating a Quidditch match.

"And that’s Smith of Hufflepuff with the Quaffle,” said a dreamy voice, echoing over the grounds. “He did the commentary last time, of course, and Ginny Weasley flew into him, I think probably on purpose, it looked like. Smith was being quite rude about Gryffindor; I expect he regrets that now he’s playing them – oh, look, he’s lost the Quaffle; Ginny took it from him. I do like her; she’s very nice…”


Luna did not seem to have noticed; she appeared singularly uninterested in such mundane things as the score and kept attempting to draw the crowd’s attention to such things as interestingly shaped clouds and the possibility that Zacharias Smith, who had so far failed to maintain possession of the Quaffle for longer than a minute, was suffering from something called ‘Loser’s Lurgy.

She helps some members of Dumbledore's Army as well as the Order of the Phoenix at the end of Half-Blood Prince during the Battle of the Astronomy Tower. Thanks to Harry's Felix Felicis potion, she did not get injured.

In the final year at Hogwarts, she helped Neville and Ginny reinstate Dumbledore's Army at the school in Harry's absence. When she returned home for Christmas, she was abducted and held prisoner with Ollivander at Malfoy Manor.

One of my favorite scenes is when Harry stops by the Lovegood home and sees her bedroom for the first time. This is when he realizes that Xenophilius is lying to them about where his daughter is. He goes up to her room and on her ceiling is a painting of herself, Ginny, Neville, Ron, Harry, and Hermione with the word "friends" in a gold chain linking them all together. It gives me the feels every time.

Meanwhile, she is helping to take care of Ollivander in the basement of Malfoy Manor. Dobby helps them escape and we know that he dies doing that. Luna gives his eulogy.

She then helps in the final Battle of Hogwarts. Luna was instrumental in helping Harry find The Lost Diadem. She took Harry to the Ravenclaw Common Room (which makes you answer a riddle in order to get in) and showed him a replica of it. She later wards off some dementors with a group of Dumbledore's Army and gently reminds Harry that he has to think of something happy in order to produce his. After Harry defeats Voldemort, she ends things by creating a distraction so that Harry can get some peace and quiet with Ron and Hermione.

She's there in the background for the majority of the huge battles lending her wand skills as well as her knowledge. She always has her friend's backs and also ends up as a guide for Harry when no one else can get through to him. I'm so glad that she forms this close bond with these amazing friends that have learned to appreciate her for who she is.

She is fierce, loyal, intelligent, honest, weird, and incredibly lovable.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Harry Potter Moment of the Week [72]

This is a meme hosted by Uncorked Thoughts and Lunar Rainbows.The idea is to share a favorite moment, magical item, character, spell, quote, object from the books, films or J.K.Rowling herself! Click the links to the blogs to see how to join up &  upcoming topics.

Announcing Harry Potter Month in July!! Learn more.
I'll be posting having a few Potter related posts throughout the month in addition to my usual Harry Potter Moment of the Week posts.

If I went to Hogwarts, who would my boyfriend be?

First things first, the Weasleys are my favorite family at Hogwarts so it would most likely be one of them. Percy is far too stuffy and has familial-loyalty issues. Ron has so much going on with Harry and Hermione all the time. Plus, it's obvious he's got it bad for Hermione. Bill and Charlie aren't at school. It would have to be George. I like that he's hilarious and exceptionally smart.

Who's your choice?

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

My Introduction to Harry Potter

Faith of GeekyZooGirl and Micheline of Lunar Rainbow Reviews are hosting the Harry Potter Month in July!! Of course, Harry's birthday is in July so it's a celebration! I am competing for my House Cup as well for Hufflepuff. As most of you know, I adore Harry Potter so this month will be full of even more Potter goodness at JC's Book Haven.

Ever since I was a young child, I have always loved reading. I remember the Accelerated Reader program at school, and constantly checking books out so that I could win those personal pan pizzas from Pizza Hut. I was checking books out like Romona Quimby, The Bridge to Terabithia, Dogs Don't Tell Jokes, Freckle Juice, The Indian in the Cubbard, and The Incredible Journey. I enjoyed them all, but I can't say I LOVED any of them. 

Then I moved on to high school and was in the accelerated English class. We HAD to read for school, and it was mostly classics. I had Huckleberry Finn, Jane Eyre, Romeo and Juliet, The Grapes of Wrath, and more. Now, I admit that I have a hard time with being told I have to do things, immediately making me not want to. Needless to say, I never liked reading any of the books for school that we were forced to.

Moving on to after graduation and a friend brought me a book thinking I would enjoy it. It was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. There were three books out at this time, and it was the first I was hearing of the series. I DEVOURED it. I went to her two days later asking to borrow the next two books and read those in two days each as well.

I finally found what I enjoyed reading. Not just this incredible series, but what Harry Potter brought to me was that I am a genre-oriented reader. I want MAGIC. I want things that can't possible happen in my every day life. I want ADVENTURE and creatures I haven't even dreamed of.

I now obviously have a number of books that I love, but none more than Harry Potter as it was the start to my journey not just in loving to read, but in loving the books I read as well.

After reading those three, I not so patiently waited for the rest to follow. I remember the thrill that there were movies being made, and seeing them all in theater. I bought all the movies as they came out and all the books immediately when released as well. 

Now, I've been able to share my love of the series with my son. He watched all of the movies and loved them. He dressed as Ron Weasley for Halloween (looking the part as he is a redhead himself). I took him to Harry Potter World in Orlando for his 9th birthday, and the second we got home, he dove into the books for the first time reading them all so quickly. He had discussions with me on what is different in the films and how reading the books was such a wonderful experience, offering so much more than what the movies alone give us.

We have since created quite a collection of Harry Potter fan merchandise and both are on Pottermore. We randomly reread the series and re-watch the movies. I can honestly say I haven't read a series near as many times as I have Harry Potter.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Sunday Cover Scramble [126]

Let's have some fun! I am going to post covers on here every Sunday that are scrambled up graphically, making it hard to tell what cover it is. I would like your guesses on what cover you think I've posted. I won't answer you until I'm posting the next one to let you know if you are right, allowing others to guess as well. Some will be hard, and others may be easy. Let me know in the comments if you'd like some more hints and I'll offer some more if no one guesses it correctly.

I am pulling covers off the Most Popular Page on Goodreads.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Harry Potter Moment of the Week [71]

This is a meme hosted by Uncorked Thoughts and Lunar Rainbows.The idea is to share a favorite moment, magical item, character, spell, quote, object from the books, films or J.K.Rowling herself! Click the links to the blogs to see how to join up &  upcoming topics.

Announcing Harry Potter Month in July!! Learn more.
I'll be posting having a few Potter related posts throughout the month in addition to my usual Harry Potter Moment of the Week posts.

Favorite Lupin Moment:

This one is easy for me as I just mentioned it on Micheline's Birthday Buddy Spotlight for Lupin.

My absolute favorite Lupin moment is when he taught Harry how to perform the Patronus charm to protect himself against dementors. Those dark creatures with their soul-stealing mouths, and chronic depression causing auras incredibly freak me out. I would definitely want to be able to defend myself against them, especially with such a traumatic past as Harry. Since they bring your worst moments to the surface, he was affected by them particularly hard as someone who had been through really trying times.

What is especially telling to me in this moment is the fact that Lupin takes on the mentor role here with Harry and teaches him something that he knows students his age can't do. He did warn Harry not to feel bad if he didn't learn it, but he also went along with it and eventually taught him well enough to become the only wizard his age able to produce a Patronus.

What is your favorite Lupin moment?

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Review: The One (The Selection #3) by Kiera Cass

Published: May 6th, 2014 HarperTeen
Genre: YA, Dystopia
Format: ebook
Source: Purchased
Goodreads Summary

The time has come for one winner to be crowned.

When she was chosen to compete in the Selection, America never dreamed she would find herself anywhere close to the crown—or to Prince Maxon's heart. But as the end of the competition approaches, and the threats outside the palace walls grow more vicious, America realizes just how much she stands to lose—and how hard she'll have to fight for the future she wants.

“This isn’t happily ever after.

It’s so much more than that.” 

The Good

Finally! I was getting really tired of the waffling on America's part between two men. While they are both great, you either love one of them or you don't. I was glad to see this decision made and the love triangle effectively ended.

I was also really proud of the fact that America realized that she could in fact be a princess if she wanted it. She's got a lot of great ideas, truly cares about people, and is brave. These are some great qualities for a leader to have.

The action here was done well. It starts out with rebel attacks, and this part of the story is expounded on exponentially in The One. There were a lot of losses, but that makes victory so much sweeter in the end for those that make it out.

These girls that are in the selection have gotten closer and closer with each book as their numbers dwindle down. I loved getting to know more about each of them and even have one that I couldn't stand early on do a 360 so that she became one of my favorites in the story.

The Bad

The ending and how the story is wrapped up is very satisfying, but predictable.

The Romance

I was so glad to see a conclusion to a love triangle that had been driving me bonkers. The connection that America shares with both guys is real, but there is only one that she was going to end up with. I did notice little signs of another romance blooming and was very happy to see it come to fruition.


A great way to end the series, even if predictable. Action packed, well-paced, and filled with characters that I enjoy, The One is a quick and easy read that is executed well. Recommended.


“I want everything with you, America. I want the holidays and the birthdays, the busy season and lazy weekends. I want peanut butter fingertips on my desk. I want inside jokes and fights and everything. I want a life with you.”

Maxon: “To be clear, no one agrees with you.”
America: “To be clear, I don’t care.” 

“Leave it to you to find beauty in something others would say ruins a day.” 

Monday, July 6, 2015

Sunday Cover Scramble [125]

Let's have some fun! I am going to post covers on here every Sunday that are scrambled up graphically, making it hard to tell what cover it is. I would like your guesses on what cover you think I've posted. I won't answer you until I'm posting the next one to let you know if you are right, allowing others to guess as well. Some will be hard, and others may be easy. Let me know in the comments if you'd like some more hints and I'll offer some more if no one guesses it correctly.

I am pulling covers off the Most Popular Page on Goodreads.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Harry Potter Moment of the Week [70]

This is a meme hosted by Uncorked Thoughts and Lunar Rainbows.The idea is to share a favorite moment, magical item, character, spell, quote, object from the books, films or J.K.Rowling herself! Click the links to the blogs to see how to join up &  upcoming topics.

If you could change one thing in book 1 what would it be?

This is a tough choice. If the first one wasn't fantastic, the hordes of rabid fans would never have continued reading through the series.

Every little bit of the first one was an introduction to these fascinating characters and the world in which Harry is thrust into.

My least favorite part of the book is Quirrell. The focus is off him during the story and Snape is spotlighted as the bad guy. Obviously he had an incredible mind or else he wouldn't have been the only one to find Voldemort. I feel that the 'good' side who didn't believe Voldemort was gone would have been searching as well to end him for good. What happens though is that by the time we do find out what was happening with Quirrell, it's hard to believe he would be good at being bad. This stuttering fool found Voldemort and helped hatch this plan to get the Sorcerer's stone? It seems far-fetched. Believe me I love that as readers we have no clue who the bad guy is, but I do wish that we would've gotten some insight into his intelligence and despicable nature other than the conversation with him at the end. That way we wouldn't have thought he was the bad guy, but at least better believed him capable of it.

What would you change?