Thursday, June 11, 2015

Harry Potter Moment of the Week [67]

This is a meme hosted by Uncorked Thoughts and Lunar Rainbows.The idea is to share a favorite moment, magical item, character, spell, quote, object from the books, films or J.K.Rowling herself! Click the links to the blogs to see how to join up &  upcoming topics.

You have to battle a dragon in the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Which is it?

I know which one it won't be right off the bat...I'm not facing that Hungarian Horntail! With her spiked tail and ability to shoot fire over 40 feet, she's one I want to stay far away from.

The Chinese Fireball has very large females that are fast and clever.

The Swedish Short Snout has fire that reduces bones to ashes.

I will absolutely have to go with the Common Welsh Green. It's the one that shoots fire in narrow jets and mostly avoids interaction with humans. I'm going the easy way out when it comes to facing dragons.

Which dragon would you choose to face?


  1. Looks like we all went with the same dragon this week^^ NO WAY I'd be facing the Horntail either. Poor Harry! D: And the Swedish Shortsnout sounds like a nightmare o_O I'm totally with you on taking the easy way out when it comes to dragons! Great pick!

  2. Totally don't remember much about the dragons. But I LOVE me any dragon.

  3. Wow, dragons are getting blurry at this point for me :) I'm going to play it safe and do what you did, hehe :D

  4. I went with the Welsh Green pretty much through process of elimination, too, lol. It sounds the least dangerous, not that I'd actually feel very brave facing it! :D

  5. Oh yeah the Horntail and Shortsnout I would absolutely be terrified of. Definitely playing it safe this week ;) or as safe as it can be with dragons LOL

  6. It's definitely the safest of the four :)

  7. Oh not at all! It does seem like the safest bet though with this group :D

  8. Oh geez, I couldn't face a dragon and live I don't think

  9. definitely Common Welsh Green! Mainly b/c it has "common" built into its name, so therefore it must be easier lol


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